Importance of Subnetting Examples!

Gokhan Kosem
2 min readOct 31, 2023

Subnetting is basically dividing your network in different sub networks. By doing this, you can produce different broadcast networks within one nework. You can do this with fixed length or variable length Subnetting Mask.

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There are types of Subnetting. These Subnetting Types are:

  • Classful Subnetting (Fixed Length Subnetting)
  • Classless Subnetting (Variable Length Subnetting)

As you know there are IP classes of IPv4 addresses. With these IP classes, there are fixed subnets that has fixed number hosts and networks. For example a class C address has 24 bits network part and 8 bits host part. Or in Class A addresses, this is reverse. There are 8 bits network part and 24 bits host parts. This is an inefficient use of ip addresses. You should use strict numbers and ip address waste is a lot.

To overcome this issue, Classless Subnetting is used. In this subnetting type, subnet has different lengths and different hots and networks are in these subnets. In other words, there is not a strict rulet o use a specific subnet mask for any class or any type of ip address. Here, you can use /24 for an ip address or you can use /8 for an ip address There is no classes and there is no specific class Subneting masks.

Subnetting Example

Subnet 1 = 28 hosts. Subnet 2 = 52 hosts. Subnet 3 = 15 host. …

For first subnet, our Subnet Mask will be /27 (27 network bits and 5 host bits. 5+27=32) … … …



Gokhan Kosem
Gokhan Kosem

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