Linux Networking Commands
Linux is very important for Network Engineers. Almost all network engineers should learn some of the commands of linux that are used in networking. Here, I will share top 35 networking commands used in Linux. These Linux networking commands are given below.
Top 35 Network Commands in Linux:
- arp command
- arpwatch command
- bmon command
- curl command
- dhclient command
- dig command
- dstat command
- ethtool command
- ftp command
- host command
- ifstat command
- ip addr command
- iptables command
- iftop command
- ifup/ifdown command
- iwconfig command
- netstat command
- nload command
- nmap command
- nslookup command
- ping command
- route command
- scp command
- sftp command
- ss command
- ssh command
- tshark command
- hping3 command
- tcpdump command
- telnet command
- tracepath command
- traceroute command
- w command
- wget command
- whois command
arp command
To see the ARP Table of your server, you can use “arp command”. There are some parameters that can be use with arp command, but to see the default Linux ARP Table, you can use this command with “-e” parameter.
$ arp -e
Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask Iface ether 00:aa:45:12:00:11 C eth0
arpwatch command
arpwatch command is used to monitor ethernet activity and Ethernet/ip pairings. Arpwatch can be used with various parameters. For example, if you use “-i” parameter, you can use arpwatch for a specific network interface. Or you can use “-d” parameter for debugging.
$ sudo arpwatch
$ sudo arpwatch –i eth0
$ sudo arpwatch –d eth0
- If you would like to learn more, you can check my NETWORK Commands in LINUX Article.
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