Gokhan Kosem
2 min readFeb 20, 2020


Linux is very important for Network World. In many operations Linux is usually used by Network Engineers. So, A networkm engineer should know Linux, espeacialy Network Commands in Linux. In this article, we will focus on these Linux commands related with Network World.

Network Commands in Linux

There are many usefull Linux Commands but some of them are more important in Networking. What are these commands? Below, you can find the Top 35 Linux Network Commands!

  1. arp command
  2. arpwatch command
  3. bmon command
  4. curl command
  5. dhclient command
  6. dig command
  7. dstat command
  8. ethtool command
  9. ftp command
  10. host command
  11. ifstat command
  12. ip addr command
  13. iptables command
  14. iftop command
  15. ifup/ifdown command
  16. iwconfig command
  17. netstat command
  18. nload command
  19. nmap command
  20. nslookup command
  21. ping command
  22. route command
  23. scp command
  24. sftp command
  25. ss command
  26. ssh command
  27. tshark command
  28. hping3 command
  29. tcpdump command
  30. telnet command
  31. tracepath command
  32. traceroute command
  33. w command
  34. wget command
  35. whois command

Now let’s start to talk about these protocols one by one.

arp command

arp command is used to view ARP Table of your Linux Server. You can use various parametersof arp command to get information about these tables and table entries. For example, you can use arp -e to reach the default Linux ARP Table.

Below, you can find an example for Linux arp command:

$ arp -e

Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask Iface ether bb:12:cc:24:10:18 C eth0 ether 11:87:2c:88:ab:c1 C eth0

arpwatch command

arpwatch command is the Linux commanf that is use to view Ethernet activity, Ethernet/IP pairs. There are diffferent parameters of arpwatch command. If you would like to use this command for a specific interface, you can use arpwatch -i command with related interface.

$ sudo arpwatch

$ sudo arpwatch –i eth0

You can read the full article below:

Specically, you can reach Linux Ping command options below:

Ping Command options in Windows:



Gokhan Kosem
Gokhan Kosem

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