Wellknown Cyber Attacks

Gokhan Kosem
3 min readMar 9, 2020


There are various Cyber Attacks and various ways to prevent yourself from these Cyber threats . In this postwe will focus Well Known Cyber Attacks, Network Attacks, Cyber Threats, Vulnerabilities and the Mitigation Techniques.

So, what are the types of Cyber Attacks (Network Attacks)? Let’s write all of them one by one and then explain what are these attack types one by one:

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

  • Session Hijacking
  • Replay Attacks
  • IP Spoofing
  • ARP Spoofing
  • DNS Spoofing
  • HTTPS Spoofing

Denial of Service (DoS) Attack

  • TCP SYN Flood Attack
  • Ping of Death
  • Teardrop Attack
  • Smurfing

Password Attacks

Malware Attacks

  • Viruses
  • Worms
  • Trojan Horses
  • Adware
  • Spyware

Reconnaissance Attacks

  • Packet Sniffing
  • Port Scanning
  • Phishing
  • Social Engineering
  • Dumster Diving
  • Usenet tools
  • DNS Reconnessaince

Other Attacks

  • Unauthorized Access
  • WareZ
  • Rerouting

Man-in-the-Middle Cyber Attacks

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks (MiTMs) are one of the most widely used attack types for today’s Cyber Attacks. It is also known as Eavesdropping (Snooping). In a Man-in-the-Middle Attack there are three players. These players are:

  • Client (Victim)
  • Server (The destination that the client are connecting)
  • Attacker (The “Man” in the Middle)

In normal communcation, client connect to the server and the data traffic occurs. But with Man-in-the-Middle Attack, the attacker enters between the Client and the Server. The attacker achieves this with various techniques and because of that victim is unaware of what is going on. He/She thinks that, the connection is still towards the destination. But after a successfull Man-in-the-Middle Attack, the data traffic comes to the attacker’s device not the exact destination.

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks are mainly used for stealing valuable information about the victims. This can be important passwords, banking details or any other secret information. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks can be done on different layers of the well-known OSI Model.

According to its affect type, we can devide Man-in-the-Middle Attacks into two. These Man-in-the-middle Attacks types are :

  • Passive Man-in-the-Middle Attacks (Passive MiTM)
  • Active Man-in-the-Middle Attacks (Active MiTM)

In Passive Man-in-the-Middle Attacks, the attacker only listens the traffic between the victim and the other end. Attacker listens, captures and records the traffic between these two ends, but it do not make any modification on the packets. Packets are tranfered unchanged between these two ends again but with a big problem. The problem is an unauthorized person, attacker knows whole the communication between these two ends.

In Active Man-in-the-Middle Attacks, the attacker listens, captures and records the traffic between two end points again. But here, there is another big problem. The attacker, damages the integrity of the data, it manuplates the packets. Modified and changed packets are send to each end. So, Active Man-in-the-Middle Attacks are more dangerous that Passive Man-in-the-Middle Attacks. With this attacks, the attacker make any victim to do what the attackers want with manuplated packets.

The are also some different namings for specific MiTM Attacks. These are:

  • Session Hijacking
  • Replay Attacks
  • IP Spoofing
  • ARP Spoding
  • DNS Spoofing
  • HTTPS Spoofing

[Click to Continue Reading Cyber Attack Types]

[Click to Read Types of Hackers]



Gokhan Kosem
Gokhan Kosem

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